Our good friends Josh and Kristina Rolph came to stay with us over the weekend. They live in Virginia, near DC and they made the 5 hour road trip down with their 17 month-old twin boys, Michael and Sam. So, we had five fun kiddos in our home. Caleb loved the boys and they loved him back. He definitely got a taste of what it's like to share all his stuff with busy little toddlers, which he'll be doing a lot of in the next year! We had a great time catching up with Josh and Kristina (after all the kids were in bed of course!)
Then on Monday afternoon Caleb was trying to tell me there was a hole in the carpet at the top of the stairs. I kept telling him there couldn't be a hole, and he kept insisting. It turned out the hole was the indentation in the carpet from the water drip that was coming from the ceiling. To make a long story a bit shorter, it turns out our water heater has caused a lot of damage. The ceiling and wall by the girls room and even the carpet was soaked. So some insurance restoration guys came this afternoon right after the girls had fallen asleep. I had to wake them so they could cut the wall, pull up carpet and install huge fans to dry everything out. So tonight I put them both to bed downstairs in the playnpacs in the guest room and we are still waiting for the water heater people to come and install a new one (they were supposed to be here 3 hours ago!). Who knows how long the fans and the mess and people coming to work on everything will be happening, so I guess my girls will learn to sleep together again...:)Anyway, we're a bit misplaced, but fine, and thankful for insurance and thankful that it didn't happen Saturday morning when our guests were arriving. We all would have had to go and get a hotel room together, ha ha.