I took this picture at Caleb's end-of- the-year gathering for his preschool class. He's standing with his two great teachers, Mrs. Dunston and Mrs. Johnson, his best friend Kate and her little sister Lizzie.
For the last nine months Tuesday and Thursday mornings for Caleb have been filled to the brim with fun activities! His preschool experience has been so positive for him and now as we head into summer, it will be strange to not hear his favorite question "What day is it tomorrow mom?" He has mastered the days of the week, but loses track of where we're at. So the regularity of the Tuesday, Thursday school schedule has helped him out. He has also really enjoyed having a calendar of his "days" at school to look at on the fridge, so he could anticipate the changing themes as the week went by.
Some '08-'09 preschool memories worth making a note of:
Most favorite, frequent, brief and to the point response, when asked what he did that day at preschool - "played".
Aaron vividly recollects the first time he dropped Caleb off and watched him walk right in and on to his classroom by himself. The kind of thing that really makes you wonder how four years can fly by so fast!
He always told us who wasn't there that particular day, and for a while he even got into a habit of praying (or having us pray) for the missing one(s).
Caleb definitely had a favorite friend - Kate is his #1.
Holding his artwork up for Avery and Presley to see and saying "Look girly girlies!"
Getting to know the class mascot, Purple Bear, when he stayed with us over the weekend. Then hearing from Caleb that while at a fellow classmates home, the stuffed animal got caught in a house fire, and had gotten singed on the backside! (Mom and dad had a hard time keeping straight faces).
At the beginning of the year we got a note from his teachers telling us that show-and-tell should correspond with the calendar and what they were going to talk about for the day. So, we always made a point to come up with something clever and fitting. (For example, one day Aaron even brought Jack, our dog in to show the kids because they were talking about the 5 senses - soft fur, barking, etc.) However, it seemed that whenever Caleb told us what the other kids brought for show and tell, it was merely their favorite toy. Our efforts didn't go unnoticed though; at the end of the year Caleb received a reward for "having awesome show-and-tell items and a kind heart." And who cares about the show-and-tell part, when the other part says so much about how your child has been enjoyed by other people!